Demanding the government prioritise young people’s mental health


In the past 2 years, more than 70% of young people have sought help for their mental health. Shockingly over 40% waited more than a month for support and 59% said that their mental health worsened while waiting for treatment.

Despite government promise after promise to end the mental health crisis, thousands are still waiting.

Young Minds were looking for a campaign that would engage the public and politicians to increase mental health support for young people.

A hero film was developed that ran across social and through campaign comms. Campaign messages were driven around Westminster with #EndTheWait splashed across trucks, calling attention to the mental health crisis for young people.

10,000 people signed the petition calling on the government to #End the Wait, thousands of letters were written to the Prime Minster and MPs and a parliamentary event was held where young people were able to tell their stories and bring to life the devastating impact of this lack of funding.

"I'm here because I feel like I've been given a platform to speak and can amplify my voice for those who can't. I'm speaking for those who want to be heard."

Jaiden, YoungMinds Activist